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Why use a professional?


​Compiling an inventory and schedule of condition is a skill and should be carried out by someone qualified to do so.  The inventory is an important document and one that may need to be relied upon as evidence in the event of a dispute and may be liable to the scrutiny of a Court of Law.​


A professional, unbiased and independent report is vital for tenancy deposit dispute resolution under the Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme(TDS) which came into effect on the 6 April 2007.​​


If there is a dispute on how any deposit should be divided, the scheme will hold the deposit until the dispute resolution service or courts decide what is fair.​


This legislation is designed to protect tenants. Landlords are now required to 'prove their case' if they wish to deduct from tenant's deposits.​


In the event of the matter being passed to an adjudicator, a properly compiled and detailed inventory and check out document would be considered fundamental for a fair judgment to be reached.​


It is therefore vital that all evidence is full, detailed, unbiased and preferably independent.


We provide Inventory Makes, Check-in, Mid Tenancy Inspections and Check-out reports compiled by fully trained, professional Inventory Clerks. All reports are compiled according to guidelines set out by The Association of Inventory Providers (APIP).

All of our Clerks are ARLA Registered

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